ETER Introductory User Training 7th December 2022

The ETER Introductory User Training addresses first-time and entry-level ETER users (e.g. policy analysts, institutional managers at HEIs,…). The main goal is to enable users to navigate through the ETER data interface, select the data of interest (variables, countries, years) and extract data according to their needs. A practical demonstration of a basic use case from the ETER country reports and a short interactive group work will prepare users to perform basic analysis with ETER data.


  • 2:00-2:10: Welcome and general introduction to ETER
  • 2:10-2:50: Navigating through the ETER data interface and extracting data
  • 2:50-3:30: Using ETER data for simple use cases
    • Demonstration of a basic use case from ETER country reports
    • Interactive work on other usage cases in groups
  • 3:30-4:00: Q&A