
  • What is the European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO)?


What is the EHESO?

The European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO) will serve as a centralised platform integrating diverse EU data and transparency tools, notably U-Multirank and ETER, to offer comprehensive insights into European higher education sector.


Why participate in the data collection?

A number of indicators and data of EHESO are taken from an institutional survey among institutions and from a student survey adding the student perspective. The Observatory and its tools offer a number of benefits for institutions.


How to use the benchmarking tool?

The EHESO Benchmarking tool is an interactive tool that allows the user to create a set of comparable higher education institutions and compare those institutions on their performance on the main dimensions of their activities.


Launching the European Higher Education Sector Observatory

The activities to establish the European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO) have kicked off. The EHESO  will serve as a centralised platform integrating diverse EU data and transparency tools, notably U-Multirank and ETER, to offer comprehensive insights into European higher education sector.


How to use ETER to identify similar institutions

ETER now provides a simple tool to identify a group of similar HEIs based on a few basic indicators. The classification indicators can be selected in the variables tab in the ETER database under the tab indicators.                                                   



A data descriptor paper on the European Tertiary Education Register, the reference dataset on European Higher Education Institutions, has been published.