Exploring the role of digital technological relatedness for regional diversification into complex green technologies

RISIS Research Seminar

April 9 2025 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

Presenter: Theresa Bürscher, Austrian Institute of Technology / WU Vienna

Discussant: tba


We shift attention to the development of green technologies in European regions, aiming to unveil the role of digital knowledge in facilitating green diversification. Drawing on the literature on evolutionary economic geography, we are particularly interested in digital relatedness. We employ an SLX logit model for 380 European regions for the period 1990-2019. We find that related pre-existing digital technologies matter more for green than for non-green diversification. Further, while the existence of related digital technologies encourages regional development into complex green domains, our results suggest that regions do not rely on digital knowledge when diversifying into non-complex green technologies.