How to use the benchmarking tool to compare performances?

How to use the benchmarking tool to compare performances? The EHESO benchmarking tool is developed from a cooperative perspective (how can institutions learn from each other) and not from a competitive perspective (like the league tables). It allows you to…

Steps towards the interoperable higher education ecosystem

Higher education interoperability workgroup The higher education interoperability workgroup aims to develop a framework that will serve European higher education institutions as a practical toolkit to ensure interoperable virtual learning environments. It also works on developing actionable recommendations for the…

Data for the academic year 2021/2022 added to the ETER dataset

Map illustrating ETER coverage

The European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) data for the academic year 2021/2022 are now available online. With this release, ETER provides longitudinal data for the period 2011-2021; this allows examining changes over time in European higher education. The ETER perimeter covers all 27…

How to use ETER to identify similar institutions

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are said to be “as different as chalk and cheese”, and indeed, by looking at ETER data, such differences are highly apparent. In terms of students, the largest HEI in ETER, the Anadolu University in Turkey,…

Constructing a genotypic product space

RISIS Research Seminar May 22 2024 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Presenter: Dario Diodato, JRC With Ulrich Schetter, Eric Protzer, Frank Neffke, and Ricardo Hausmann Discussant: Nico Pintar, AIT Abstract Economic complexity analysis has shown that one can…

The European Higher Education Sector Observatory

We are delighted to announce that a consortium, which comprises the primary partners of the ETER project, has secured a prestigious opportunity to develop a European Higher Education Sector Observatory. The European Higher Education Sector Observatory, a key action stemming from…

RISIS Research Seminars 2024: Call for Participation

We are now opening the call for participations for the 2024 series of RISIS research seminars (). RISIS research seminars are meant to discuss on-going scholarly research in research and higher education in order also to prepare future publications; papers…

ETER indicators integrated with EUROSTUDENT data

Guest author: Hendrik Schirmer, DZHW The EUROSTUDENT project has been collecting information on students’ socio-economic and study-related backgrounds, their study conditions and experiences, including international mobility, and their living conditions for more than two decades, aiming at inspiring policy debates…

ETER Country Reports updated

We are happy to announce the update of 17 ETER Country Reports with data for the period 2011-2020 and a new section on academic personnel, as a core resource for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). ETER offers in respect of academic personnel an extensive dataset…

New indicators on mature students included in ETER

ETER now includes essential indicators shedding light on the participation of adult learners in higher education. Specifically, we have included indicators that measure the share of mature students, providing valuable insights into their engagement in tertiary education. Mature students and…

ETER data for ten academic years (2011-2020) now available

The European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) data for 2020 are now available online. With this release, ETER provides longitudinal data for the whole period 2011-2020; this allows examining changes over time in European higher education. The new release includes several…

New indicators on EU-FP project data included in ETER

The EUPRO database, maintained by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, is a unique dataset providing systematic and standardised information on R&D projects, participants and resulting networks of the EU-FP and other European funding instruments, such as EUREKA, COST and…

32 ETER Country Reports published

With the publication of six more Country Reports (Albania, Hungary, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Poland and Slovakia), a total of 32 ETER Country Reports is now available. ETER Country Reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on…

The Empirical Analysis of Degree-Mobile Students

The current study aims at providing empirical and theoretical support to the important topic of international student mobility (ISM) in Europe. Specifically, it provides empirical analysis of degree-mobile students in 32 countries: the European Union (EU), the European Free Trade Association…

6 new ETER Country Reports published

With the publication of six more ETER Country Reports (Cyprus, Greece, Iceland, Luxembourg, Latvia and Malta), a total of 26 reports is now available. ETER Country Reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined by national categories. They build…

20 ETER Country Reports now available

With the publication of eight more Country Reports (Belgium French Community, Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Turkey), a total of 20 ETER Country Reports is now available. ETER Country Reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined…

Policymakers Session: The European University Initiative

THE EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INITIATIVE RISIS-ETER Policymaker session on data and indicator needs for the European University Initiative 13 June 2022, 2 to 5 pm (Webinar) The European University Initiative promoted by the European Commission has ignited collaborations and alliances across…

Country Reports

ETER Country Reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined by national categories. They build on the Eurydice Report on the national higher education system but complement it with quantitative information on…

New ETER Country Reports available

ETER Country Reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined by national categories. They build on the Eurydice report on the national higher education system but complements it with quantitative…

ETER country reports available

ETER country reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined by national categories. They build on the Eurydice report on the national higher education system but complements it with quantitative…

New ETER data available

The European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) data for 2017, 2018 and 2019 are now available online. With this release, ETER now provides longitudinal data for the period 2011-2019; this allows examining changes over time in European higher education. The ETER…

Quality Assurance Indicators

In its new data release, ETER is extending its long-standing cooperation with the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) (). DEQAR is a large database, which provides access to reports and evaluation results published byEQAR-registered quality assurance agencies, which have…

ETER Q&A Session

Tuesday January 18th 2022 14:00 CET Online The aim of this session is to provide answers to any open question in the final phase of the ETER data collection and offer an informal exchange with other data providers and collectors.…

Academic personnel in Higher Education

A report by Eurydice examines the characteristics of academic personnel in European higher education by examining issues like the qualification requirements for academic personnel, the recruitment process, employment and working conditions in academia, external quality assurance procedures, and top-level strategies for…